Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Look back and see how far you have come."

What did you want to be when you grew up?   Did you make it?  Are you doing something else now?  If so, how come?  What has your journey been like? 

Some people are born knowing what they want to do with their lives.  In some ways, they are the lucky ones because they don't usually have a lot of false starts.  They just put their mind to it and achieve their life's ambition.

Other people change careers often looking for that one thing that fits them best.  For these people, they have all kinds of experiences - some good, some bad. They find out about lots of different things they know they DON'T want to do. They may even pick up an array of different skills that prove useful once they find that elusive "special purpose."

Which one are you?

"Look back and see how far you have come."