Do you know anyone who constantly talks about what happened to them in the past? If you ever saw the movie Napoleon Dynamite the character of Uncle Rico is a great example. In that movie Uncle Rico feels he would be happy if only he could go back to the 1980s so he could relive his high school football days with the wisdom he has now. He is sure he would be a champion instead of living the drab life he has now.
How about someone who constantly focuses on some future date when everything will turn out the way they want it? I used to know a man who would constantly tell me that on a certain date in the future he should have this bill paid off or be done with a project or have things together in some other way and then life will be good.
So what's wrong with living in the past or living in the future? Well, one time frame has already past and one is a potential. What about right now? If we constantly fixate on what has happened before or what might happen in the future, we can very well miss what is happening right in front of us. The only moment we have control over is the one right now. Live in the present if you want your future to be better than your past. Say to yourself every day "What can I do right now, right this minute, to make things better?"