HAPPINESS! Everyone wants to feel good about themselves and their world. If you are happy now, what is your secret? If you would like to be happier in your life how can you do it? There is an old saying that the recipe for happiness is SOMETHING TO DO, SOMETHING TO LOVE, and SOMETHING TO HOPE FOR.
Some people are miserable in their jobs. Some people find themselves in jobs they hate due to a variety of reasons. The lucky ones are the people who are able to follow their bliss which can lead to the perfect career for a person... or can at least supplement the work they have to do with a more fulfilling hobby after hours. What is your bliss?
Love is such an important emotion. It makes us feel alive. There are some people who believe the reason we are on this planet is to give and receive love. Giving of ourselves and being there for others can bring us feelings of satisfaction deep in our souls and help us feel connected to the world. What/who do you love?
There are people in the world who always believe the worst first. They think they are being "realistic." However, when faced with a situation that could go either way...it could go either way. Hope is as important as being "realistic." It is natural to want to protect ourselves by preparing for the worst. However, it is equally if not more important to have balance by including preparing for the best too. What are you hoping for?