The following posts are sayings that most people have heard before. They are taken from the book "8,789 Words of Wisdom" by Barbara Ann Kipfer. There is a reason they have stood the test of time. See if anything fits with your life...
Friday, January 4, 2013
Bring flowers inside.
I saw this saying and it made me think of the spring coming right around the corner. When I look at flowers in bloom I am reminded of the natural beauty all around us every day. Flowers tend to brighten up any space and make us feel good (if we are not allergic of course!). This is important.
We may not have the biggest home or the fanciest place to live, but we can create a space of sanctuary for ourselves. You need a place where you can take a break from the hustle and bustle of the world and just relax and be your true self.
Sure, but what if you don't live alone and you can't just make your home your own paradise? I recommend to clients that they carve out a space, even if it's just a corner of a room, where they can be surrounded by beauty and peace. This will look different for every person. Maybe for one person it's about pillows, for someone else it's about music, another it's about quiet. Whatever gives you that feeling of inner relaxation, you need a place where you can go to renew and energize. You need to know it's always there. Make it a goal today to create something wonderful for yourself. Bringing flowers inside is a great first step.