Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Jot down what you are grateful for."

This is really great advice! Take a minute to think about what you are grateful for.  Are you relatively healthy?  Do you have a particular talent?  Do you have good friends?  Do you have a roof over your head and food to eat?
I'll tell you why jotting down what you are grateful for is such a good idea. Some times it feels like NOTHING is going right.  We can get really discouraged and down when our plans fail, when friends and/or loved ones disappoint us or we are just having a really LOUSY day...week...month.

We have all been there. At times like these it can be hard to remember what is good in life...and there is SO much!  Think about creating a "gratitude list" when you are feeling good.  Take a moment to make a list of at least 5 things you are grateful for.  (You get "bonus points" for thinking of more than 5!) Carry this with you.  You never know when looking at a list like this could shift you out of a dark mood and pull you back into a lighter mood where you feel better.  What are you grateful for?