What is the key to getting people to like you? Clients sometimes come to see me because they are lonely due to having a hard time making friends. They can't figure out how to interact with other people so that they are liked. There is actually a very simple way to increase the odds that someone will like you...
Ready? The key to getting people to like you is to let them know that YOU LIKE THEM.
How? Well, for one thing you can try the addage above. When meeting a new person say "Enough about me. I want to learn about you." The trick is to mean it. When someone is telling you about themselves, try to find something you can relate to or appreciate about the other person and tell them.
Compliments go a long way. Everyone likes to feel good about themselves and know they are appreciated. Try to find a way to compliment a person when you see them whether you know them or not. Here is something you can try. The next time you see someone compliment them on their choice of hair style, clothes, sense of humor, or taste in fill in the blank. Everyone likes that. Try to help a person who encounters you feel good about themselves and they are much more likely to have a good feeling about YOU. Give it a try.