Friday, August 19, 2011

In order to achieve a goal, one must be set.

Has anyone every asked you "Where would you like to be in the next five years?"  This is a favorite question of job interviewers, parents, and even potential love interests. It can leave a person scratching their head and feeling a little lost. Why are people so interested in what you will be doing in the future?  How can anyone know exactly what they will be doing next week let alone five years from now?!

Well, that's right.  We can't know exactly where we will be in the future. Also, there is benefit to living in the present moment.  However, present moments create the future.   There is a saying "If you aim at nothing you will hit nothing."  This is about the above statement that in order to achieve a goal, one must be set.

Think about your life.  What is your best hope for what you would you like to have happen in the future?  Think BIG.  Only by creating a vision of the future can we start to see how we can possibly get there from here. Ask yourself "What can I do right now that will bring me a little closer to that BIG vision?" Believe it or not you have just set a short term goal to lead you to your bigger one.  So...where do you want to be in five years?