Friday, September 2, 2011

"Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image."

Have you ever known a person who said one thing and then did another?  This can be so frustrating!  We think we know something about a person and then we get surprised because they acted in another way.

If you really want to understand someone make sure you pay attention to their behavior and not just what they say.  For example, let's say you are dating someone and they tell you how much they care and then forget your birthday or maybe even something you have planned together and it happens over and over again.  They apologize and seem to mean it but it keeps happening. What does that tell you?  This person told you how much they care and yet they behave in a way that is confusing because it doesn't seem to match.

This is tough.   Some people really want to be a certain way and they just are not, will not, or can't.  The example of the person in the dating situation is like this. It could be that this person really wants to care about you but they just don't have the feelings to back it up. This is why behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his (or her) image.  This doesn't just apply to the dating situation either.  This could be true of friends, family, and business associates as well. What does your behavior say about you?