I love this quote. Do you feel like there is someone in your life who is not treating you right? If you are a particularly giving person it can be so frustrating and confusing when someone you really care about doesn't treat you the way you feel you deserve! Sometimes it is a significant other who is taking you for granted or a family member who is not being kind.
If there is someone in your life like this it might be important to know that we actually teach people how to treat us. What does that mean? Well, it means that if someone doesn't treat you well, and you don't say or do anything about it, that person may not know how much they are hurting you. OK "Miss Smarty" (I mean me) but what if you told this person that they are hurting you by doing (fill in the blank) and they still do it!
Well, my friend, if someone doesn't respect you enough to care that they are hurting you, it may mean that they don't know how serious you are about your feelings. You might have to show them through your behavior that you are serious if they aren't listening to your words. This is called setting a boundary. You might have to say something like "Now that you know that (fill in the blank) hurts me, if you continue to do it I will be doing (fill in the blank). This "fill in the blank" may be something like taking a time out, leaving, or whatever you think is a fair consequence for disrespecting your feelings. We can't control other people. We can only communicate our needs and control what we do. Remember, every man is the guardian of his own honor. How will you protect yours?